Biology and distribution patterns of "near threatened" sharks in Singapore


Funded by Mandai Nature this project will use a range of techniques, including tagging and diet analysis, to examine the biology and ecology of bamboo sharks. We also aim to raise public awareness of the status of Singapore's resident shark species. The data you provide will be used to develop future studies using acoustic tracking to examine movement patterns and habitat use in sharks around Singapore.

At the beginning of this project, bamboosharks in Singapore were classified as “Near Threatened” under the IUCN Red List with concern that fishing pressure and habitat degradation may push them towards Vulnerable status. Since then, the slender bambooshark has been reclassified as “Vulnerable”. Basic information on the biology of these small sharks is lacking.

For more information and a video showing project work, go to this link. 

Report a sighting

Have you spotted a bamboo shark in Singapore? Please fill in the form below and do your part to help us understand bamboosharks!  Any information that you provide will be treated in the strictest confidence.

For more information on bamboosharks in Singapore go to this link

How to tell a male and female shark apart